As your current president of the Arizona Language Association, I would like to wish you a Happy New Year and I hope that you are all off to a good start.
In Germany, we have a custom called Bleigiessen. On New Year’s Eve, a candle is lit and small chunks of lead are melted over the flame of the candle. The molten lead is then poured into cold water where it hardens immediately. Next, each person determines what he or she sees in the hardened lead figure. This shape will determine the future of that person for the new year to come. This year, my lead figure looked like a “fishing pole,” which supposedly means that I have “luck on the hook.” Hopefully we all have a bit of luck in the year to come.
As we look back on 2018, here are some of our AZLA highlights:
- 1st time an AZLA representative attended JNCL-NCLIS and advocated for language policy
- Cristina Ladas elected to ACTFL Executive Board
- Jocelyn Raught on the ACTFL committee for the new Executive Director
- Melanie Mello received the Certificate of Merit Award by the Goethe Institute
- AZLA Fall Conference with Greta Lundgaard who presented on Instruction That Builds Proficiency at Cactus Shadows High School
- AZLA Spring Workshop with Alyssa Villareal who presented her workshop onDeveloping a Can-Do Mindset at Rio Salado Community College
In case you did not have a chance yet to register to attend AZLA’s Spring Workshop on February 2, 2019 at the Kyrene School District’s Office, I would strongly encourage you to do so before January 20, 2019. This year, our workshop leader is Lynn Fulton-Archer, whose presentation is titled “Using Language Functions as a Framework to Support Learner Proficiency”:
Proficiency is often defined by a learner’s ability to carry out various language functions at specific levels. This workshop will help participants understand and identify language functions and understand how they help students build their own language ability. Participants will explore a variety of resources including the Academic Language Function Framework and the NCSSFL-ACTFL Can Do Statements to help them plan for greater student interaction in the language regardless of instructional level or context.
I would like to further remind you to consider applying for or nominating someone for one of the following awards and scholarships (Due date: 3/31/2019):
- 3 student scholarships for high school seniors: $500 for 1st place, $400 for 2nd, $300 for 3rd;
- 1 post-secondary student scholarship of $500;
- 3 awards to honor World Language educators at these levels: elementary, secondary and post-secondary;
- 1 award for an educator, at any level, in the first three years of the profession; and
- 1 Gail Guntermann Professional Development Fellowship of $500 for a K-12 educator.
I look forward to welcoming many of you at the AZLA Spring Workshop.
Melanie Mello