A great step forward yesterday. Thanks to those that made it out to the Senate Committees this week. SB1239 passed Appropriations and Education Committees.
Six of Cave Creek School District's trilingual students (middle and high school) testified at the AZ Senate Education Committee in support of SB1239: AZ Seal of Biliteracy, resulting in a 7-0-0 vote!

Here's a little video clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x65YyPVuDZA
Background story: Last year, CSHS piloted its own Seal of Biliteracy and then shared this with the Department of Education, along with national statistics of what other states were doing (sealofbiliteracy.org). AZ DOE saw the potential benefits, the bipartisan nature of world language education and jumped on board by writing SB1239, a bill that proposed a statewide Seal of Biliteracy for graduating seniors that meet high levels of proficiency in English and another language. This sends a message to AZ students that reaching high levels of proficiency in world languages is a valued skill for college entrance and ultimately for entry into the workforce.